Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Well, H#$%!

For about five years we had a small 'satellite' location in the town of Sumiton, AL. It did ok for a while, then it just started sucking the life from me and our Jasper location. It was plum depressing!! With it being a small place, we could literally do a whole days worth of business on 3 to 4 customers, if they spent enough money. That left me with hours of nothing to do.... Bored. To. Tears.

It seriously was depressing...

There was something really odd about this location, even though it was nearly 3000 sq. ft. smaller than the Jasper store, and even though we saw exponentially smaller crowds, the Sumiton store gave us the most problems with 'problem customers'. On the flip side, it also gave us a couple of our most memorable moments.

Like this one....

One day I was sitting there, in my daily struggle to decide what to eat for lunch.... this guy comes in .... late 30's .... skinny ..... I'm thinking there was some kind of West Jefferson Stache going on his face. You know, the one's that are dirty blonde and not exactly 'full' .... that stache.

Me: "Can I help you today?"
Stache Man: "I need a bible"
Me: "Cool, I can help you with that"

............. I walk to bible counter........ He looks blankly at all the bibles.....

Me: "What kind of bible are you looking for?"
Stache Man: "a good bible"

..... he pauses slighty .....

Stache Man: "well HELL, I guess they all good bibles!"

..... an ever so slight grin overcomes me .....

Me: "Yes, yes they are.... "

He bought a bible, #TeamJim win!

1 comment:

  1. Aah, the Sumiton store. Many memories in that little place I have. It was there that I was cussed out for the first time over the NIV. It was there that I met the "lurker" (the lady that would browse for hours and not buy anything). And it was there that I learned that every single person in Sumiton is the preacher's wife/son/cousin and deserved a discount.

    Good times were had by all.
